Dating deaf guy
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Dating > Dating deaf guy
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Deaf guy dating final, sorry, but I see a lot of parasites floating around in the the bombardment world and it can be contributing. Through these sites, he got ideas how to relate with her and now they are happily together with 3 children. And every problem you listed with your wife was one that could be said about any hearing female.
This is important for any date activity, but it is especially important for a date with a sincere and a hearing person. Note: I tend to approach dating as a way of getting to know dating deaf guy guy better and seeing if we were compatible. Things seemed to have been going well, I got encouragement to learn, but now suddenly I seem to not be learning between enough, and they want to ultimately live with someone who will sign all the time. Erhalten Sie personalisierte Werbung von Partnern unseres Vertrauens Dies bedeutet nicht mehr, sondern personalisierte Werbung. The day will come when life breaks one of your legs, along with your ego, and the for will topple. And if youre having trouble finding that first date or you get shot down check out our guide to online dating sites and the best places to meet new people in the real world.
Make conversation about circumstances or interests you have in common. Funny before I meant him I was an extern in audiology.
Don't Be Deaf to the Deaf - These four legs hold up the marriage like a table.
An Old Question: Once again up for debate is the seemingly age-old question: Can Deaf-hearing relationships work? Bloggers, including this one, have been weighing in with their opinions lately. A Deaf-hearing relationship can refer to a number of possible scenarios. It could be a signing, culturally Deaf person partnered with a fluent-signing or hearing interpreter, or the same Deaf person partnered with a moderately fluent hearing person or with a nonsigning hearing person. It might be an oral Deaf person with a nonsigning hearing person, or any other combination of partner backgrounds. The Communication Factor: Most people will say that the success of a Deaf-hearing relationship comes down to communication, just like it does in any other relationship. Communication, of course, is an extremely complicated matter for any couple. These differences in communication styles are difficult enough for most couples to deal with; when you have two different languages, and perhaps two different cultures, in a relationship, things can get even more complicated. Hearing-Centered: A Deaf-centered relationship basically means that both partners sign to each other, take equal responsibility for communication issues, and are active members of the Deaf community. Couples with Deaf-centered relationships tend to socialize mostly with other Deaf and signing hearing friends, minimizing the number of social situations in which the hearing partner ends up interpreting for the Deaf partner. Hearing-centered relationships, in contrast, often find the Deaf person dependent upon the hearing partner for communication with nonsigning hearing friends, a situation that can create feelings of stress and frustration for both. A relationships clearly shows the differences. Well, I guess in my situation it is neither centered. I am hearing and my boyfriend is deaf. He had an implant that lets him hear a little bit, but he can read lips and talk. But he mainly hangs out with deaf people, and I only hang out with deaf people when I am with him. My friends can mostly understand things he says but sometimes they have little issues. When I am with his friends I basically just sit there moving my head back in forth watching them sign and have no clue what they are saying. Sometimes my boyfriend will say what he is signing, so I have at least a little clue what they are talking about. And if I want to say anything I have to tell him and he signs it. I actually guess you could say I am a little dependent on him. No excuse not to learn the main communication style of the one your love. I would want to get to know his friends also. It would be a difficult situation, but I would push through every obstacle that was in the way to make it work. The question was can Deaf- Hearing relationships work. The answer is yes! But like all relationships it requires 100% participation. He started off with teaching me the alphabet and a few things and his got in the habit of just talking and not teaching me sign language. When we go his friends its difficult to understand whats going on and then i end up sitting by myself or feel like i been judged. Now we married and its getting a little easier with his friends but im still alone. I need help how to fiqure out to tell my husband that communication is a big thing in a relationship because the moment he comes home all he dopes is play games or on facebook and then plays playstation and never takes time to spend time with me or communicate with me then he says he doesnt have a clue what to say to me. The moment one of his deaf friends call he jumps for them and can chat to his friends days in and days out but if i try talk to him or try talk to him of what his doing wrong or try solve the issues he gets angry. How can i make things better for us? So this is one sided. I have tried to talk to him and nothing changes. In fact the only nice tomes we have anymore are when we are with our deaf friends. He lights up, gets off the TV and acts happy. The husband is deaf and married the women to Taje care of him. She was raised in a family where the parents were both hearing and worked to support each other. Now she is miserable and angry. It has changed her and that is very sad. He acts all nice around others not at home. He takes money they need to live and wastes it. Wish I had seen what he was doing and advised her against a relationship with him. I am hearing and I recently married a deaf man and he holds his own! We dated for 4 years and got married that 5th year. Ever wonder why over half of the deaf community is single and have to throw your self at anyone that will look at you. Its a two way street not one. I am no where near deaf, but I am hard of hearing! And instead of asking me he just specifically hides these events from me. I would gather all my courage, find an excuse, and stop seeing that doctor. With your personality, you can find someone who appreciates your whole person as a partner. I am giving this advice as a hearing person even though my left ear is affected with deafening tinnitus. I am learning sign language for pleasure for the moment. You have to show that you want to learn. Get involved with the Deaf community.. Connect with your husband. When he comes in from work, try signing to him. Try to surprise him with maybe words he taught you or something you learned on your own. Make your goal for the next few days to be able to sign two complete full sentences that means something to him. You just might see a difference. I met a guy who is deaf, through my cousin who is an interpreter. It was on a camping trip with family and friends. They called him, uncle. I really like the fact that he goes to church and through the camping experience, is up for adventure. There was a moment, he gestured something funny and I liked that. But he was quiet not sign majority of the time…he only communicated with my cousin, his buddy, because he my cousin was the only one that could sign. Basically, with those several days of camping, I found him to be handsome and I would like to get to know him more. I am learning to sign through youtube videos so next time I see him at invited events that are coming soon , I can communicate to him. Do you think, if he has mutual interest, would it work? You are married so this is why I ask you. You have more wisdom in the marriage department. I have been with him for 7 years. He does the same to me. He can communicate with words as well he has a cochlear. He says he has nothing to talk about it but assures we are okay. I try to bring up the problem but he too gets upset. Nothing ever gets solved because he shuts down and gets upset. But remember deaf people are as important as everyone, they can achieve great things and love others with their heart they are not robots or aliens I am so frustrated how a hearing person thinks they better than a deaf person because we are all equal! There is something so peacefull and pure that radiates from them. I somehow convinced myself that this peacefulness was an unacceptable thing to be attracted to and likely dodged something that might have been a most positive and true opportunity and i sometimes wonder if i denied myself the key to my own happiness. I never found much difficulties with communication even when pen and paper were not around.. But i had convinced myself that they wouldnt want to invest in such a relationship when they are already surrounded with so many who already sign.. I never was a vocal person.. Now after 5 failed relationships with non hearing impaired women i find myself alone babbling constantly to my dog.. Dealing with her handicap is a great burden. She has a very small vocabulary and has no grasp of repertoire, small talk, euphemism, figurative talk, humor, being facetious. Even after 14 years of marriage, almost every conversation ends in hurt feelings from miscommunication. The first seven years, we created Hell for each other. We have two great kids and we will stay together until they leave the home. Do you enjoy moon lit walks in the evening? Do you like the stars shining into your room at night? Do you like being funny? Do you like to whistle? Do you like to dance? You will pay a price for your sacrifice and get nothing in return, not even a thankful spouse. Because of what you, the healthy one, represents to your disabled spouse. You represent normal to your spouse. If she is as good as you, then she is as good as normal. You become the standard of measure to beat. For her self esteem, she needs to break you down in order to build herself up. My wife found every fault I had and told the world. She nicknamed me blonde and made fun of me at every chance. If she could just hear, she would be better than me — better than normal. Everything she does is designed to make her look good. She will sacrifice nothing for you. A second insurmountable obstacle is, you are plan B. Most deaf people feel compelled to find meaning in their handicap. Why did God make me this way? So that I would strive to be the best WHATEVER and inspire other handicapped people. I was simply a means financier to get there. It only morphs into other ideas like first deaf equestrian trainer. You are stuck, not able to develop you, not able to consider your dreams, in a marriage that is unfulfilling. We had many fights over it, and I had threatened to leave before she agreed. You see, to her kids meant the end of her Olympic dreams, loss of purpose in her deafness, settling for plan B. In her mind, she was just a stay-at-home deaf mom, less than average. She will take her frustrations out on you. In our relationships, kids became one more thing placed above me in importance. Do it sooner rather than later. The longer you wait the harder it becomes. That divide in your psyche creates anxiety. It builds until you have a nervous breakdown, complete with panic attacks, and you spend the rest of your life in therapy taking anti-anxiety meds and sleeping pills. I know, because it has happened to me. Let me put it another way. A normal healthy marriage has two people each with two legs eagerly supporting the marriage. These four legs hold up the marriage like a table. When life sweeps one of those legs out, the remaining three continue to sustain the marriage. You know this, accept it, and believe your two legs are strong enough to sustain the two of you. No table can stand with only two legs. The day will come when life breaks one of your legs, along with your ego, and the marriage will topple. The divorce rate for the deaf is 90%. To generalize all deaf people and all hearing people this way is ignorant. I can tell even by your post that you are a holier than thou aggressor that would have failed at any marriage with the attitude you showcase here. And every problem you listed with your wife was one that could be said about any hearing female. Neither of you were ready for marriage CLEARLY and knowing you brought kids into your gongshow is offensive on the deepest level. You both need separate therapy to deal with the very questionable people you are. Maybe you could shut up and take a silent walk in the moonlight. You want to hear yourself talk and have someone moon over you. This post enraged me. When I was 5 I went to summercamp and met a deaf girl whom I quickly found a soulmate in the soulsister way in. We spent every day together and it was the first time I experienced prejudice. I would happily sacrifice dark rooms and learning a new language for love. I was reading this post and all I saw was negative until this. I love a man that is deaf. Now, people within my circle of friends and family are looking down on me because I am with a man that is disabled. Any insight or advice anyone can provide right now would be a great comfort. I learned to sign for him, and we never had any issues before. Now, facing prejudice and discrimination, doubt has started to settle in my spirit. It can be intimidating. Stay strong, and continue to fight for what you love! Shame on your family and friends for not being more open and accepting of something different than their everyday. Funny before I meant him I was an extern in audiology. I meant him through a other friend. I had friend requested him a few years back. We used our phones to communicate after a few months of dating he asked me to became his girlfriend and later is when I started ASL. Things are great between us, yes in times we have hardship but because we lover each other we learned to communicate. I love the deaf culture. I love that I know sign language is an awesome gift. It is quite pathetic. Most common question I get, who orders the food at a restaurant ha he does. Everyone keep your head up things can work but both ends need to want the samething. It often seems to me that there are no handicaps.. Its a matter of will.. It seems to me one would view both sides as advantagious.. You have a deaf partner.. Therefore i can only conclude that this must present as a great advantage that would deffinately have an impact on the number one issue that seems to play out and thus likely rips the top off the high percentage.. He was coming from a place of hurt and frustration and needed an outlet. It can be very difficult sharing certain things with a deaf person. I absolutely resent your comment. Perhaps your first mistake was viewing your wife as a helpless disabled female in need of rescuing. Lucky for me, I married a hearing man who forgets that I am Deaf. He sees me as I am, simply Sarah. I have been happily married to him for 15 years. During the day, we chat non stop and enjoy the hustle and bustle of our life. We dance together, I learned how to whistle, and he can sing out of tune all he wants. He has my full support and I have his. We are best friends and I look forwards to the rest of our lives together. I know I bring 2 legs to the marriage table. I really hope you find peace in your marriage, perhaps start by praising her for being a stay at home mom, it is the most important job in the world. Also look into It is never to late to restart your marriage. Being deaf cannot ruin a marriage, but being detached and unsympathetic can. One thing that those with hearing seem to not quite understand is; being able to speak and hear does not mean you are able to communicate. There are so many people in this society that speak , but really say nothing at all. My father was seventy when he passed away from cancer and in all those seventy years of life he did not open up to his wife, his children or anyone. Not until the very last breath did he finally tell us that we were loved. I am younger than my siblings and much more open with how I feel. It was like years of perfectly polished armor had been shed and my brother became a child again. Not communicating is an epidemic in this society. Being given the tools to communicate and choosing not to, choosing to build a wall around yourself instead of letting those you love in, is the true disability. Being deaf, although it is a struggle, opens a new level of awareness that those with hearing are ignorant off. I live in a quiet world but I have no issues communicating with my boyfriend, I find ways. Speaking is not the only outlet for connection. I hug people a lot, it feels good and says so much. Yes we have our problems but as long as we have the passion and the will to work on them, we will move past it. I wish someone would have told my father that true strength is without walls, I believe he would have been a much happier man and my family would not have been so divided. My deafness is the least of the worries. Being given the tools to communicate and choosing not to, choosing to build a wall around yourself instead of letting those you love in, is the true disability. These can shake one to the core. Yes, us, the hearing and seeing people are afraid to communicate in cases when it is most needed. There are many problems, but a kind, understanding and patient approach can remedy those to some extent. Goes for all kinds of people. Thanks for sharing your beautiful, insightful thoughts. I met a guy who is deaf, through my cousin who is an interpreter. It was on a camping trip with family and friends. They called him, uncle. I really like the fact that he goes to church and through the camping experience, is up for adventure. There was a moment, he gestured something funny and I liked that. But he was quiet not sign majority of the time…he only communicated with my cousin, his buddy, because he my cousin was the only one that could sign. Basically, with those several days of camping, I found him to be handsome and I would like to get to know him more. I am learning to sign through youtube videos so next time I see him at invited events that are coming soon , I can communicate to him. Do you think, if he has mutual interest, would it work? You are married so this is why I ask you. You have more wisdom in the marriage department. By the way Sarah, do you have an email? Thank you so much for your post. That guys was bumming me out. But you brought hope to the table. Fireproof is a wonderful movie. You are truly blessed with the husband you have plus I think he is too. Question, what if my deaf husband ignores my sadness or when my facial expression expresses pain? He just wants me to listen only. To the point where he has no clue what my day to day is like. What do I do? The main reason for divorce is the Deaf person was raised hearing. And you try to use a cain but every time you picked it up people would take it from you. After that take some ASL classes. And NEVER say NOR CALL HER handicap again. I think that would simplify your communication issue a good bit. Find an ASL therapist. Your marriage can be saved if you want it to be but it will take a lot of work and a lot of learning. Also, using your marriage to judge ALL deaf people saying they only bring one leg to the table, I mean really? In a world where most people are hearing and therefore privileged because the world is designed for them, hearing people assume everyone needs to cater to them. Why did you marry someone that you had communication problems with in the first place? I feel no pity for you on that front. Can we say hypocrite? In all those years you spent with her, if you had bothered to learn sign language right from the beginning, you would have been perfectly fluent by now. YOU are selfish, YOU are lousy, YOU are narcissistic, YOU are a drain on her mental well-being, her roadblock to happiness. Your generalization of deaf people as cold, soul-sucking succubi unwilling to compromise for their partners based on your experiences with the only deaf person you have ever known says far more about your character than anything else. You decided to choose her to be your wife. The level of communication without using sign would leave you deserted and uninteresting. Since my wife lost her hearing communication is also very difficult. Even though it sounds mean after awhile you get tired repeating yourself. No one calls her and she has no friends. If we go out to dinner she has no idea what the conversation is about. If I go out with my friends she blames me for leaving her alone and tries to make me feel guilty. She drives locally only. She is a good person , dresses nice, keeps the house clean and pays the bills. Were both so bored. She also broke her hip and had several surgeries and does not walk well. Sometimes the deaf card gets old though. We hearing people have feelings too and sacrifice a lot to be there for our hard of hearing partner. I get fed up with it too! We hope you find peace. Eb, you give me hope! I have strong feelings for a deaf guy. It is a deaf-hearing relationship. He is 56 and I am 59. We both have been divorced and are looking for love. The relationship is long distance so we are communicating through email only. He only reads lips. I am opened for suggestions. I see him frequently and try to manage his business issues because he is unable. He has never had to work ,I have had to work hard all my life, I am now retired. He does not seem to have a clue what all I do for him. When ever I he does anything for me he wants a lot of praise. Maybe he needs to prove to me he is useful. He tries harder to please than my ex but his needs are so great and I am constantly trying to interpret for him. He interrupts my conversations often, I believe because he cannot be a part of it. My signing skills are limited, so I cannot make him understand all that is being said. I understand his frustration but it is very draining and disrupting to my other relationships. His signing is limited because he cannot spell. Your friend can spell and read. That may be an advantage but spend time with him to find out if you can be yourself and communicate your feelings. Is there a statistically significant relationship between significant hearing impairment and illiteracy or spelling problems? HE loves talking-and being heard. But its as if he has no interest in hearing UNDERSTANDING, CONNECTING with anyone-not just me.. I am deaf with hearing family. I mainstream all of my life expect two years in deaf school. He is hearing and never learned sign language. We met through online. He live in Canada and I live in the states. It is very frustrating but the love is there still and we are working through it. I have to have patience and he has to have motivation. It is team work and both partners have to put in effort. Later he realized that and he said he was fine with texting to talk things out instead of trying to force me to speak English. What is important is that both of us recognized that ASL is important in our relationship. He care enough to acknowledge what I need and I care enough to be patience. But I was reading the reply to this post saying that the poster ascribes to a medical point of view rather than a cultural and linguistic minority point of view. I want to say that I think the issues are more complicated than that in many situations. My husband was medicalized most of his life. From the time he was two he was fitted with hearing aids and sent to an oral only school from the time he was in diapers. I believe this has left him with issues that linger today. Even though he went to gallaudet, became fluent in ASL, and found his niche with the Deaf community, I see that when he is not with Deaf people at work, with family, out in public, and even with me he sees himself as an incomplete hearing person. These are scars left from a. So even though I know he is a member of a cultural and linguistic minority, he still has a lot of remaining issues from being medicalized from age 2-18. A deaf person being married to a heari. We have had 25 married years together, and I hope at least that many more. Yes there were challenges, but we worked it out. We never fight about my hearing loss anymore, it just is, we work on communication and we move on. I really think there are other issues with your wife, other than deafness, and it is being used as the crutch for all her problems. Everything would be wonderful IF ONLY her daughter could hear. THEN, I met the daugher a month later. After two hours of observing her with her teammates and coach at a game, I came to a very different conclusion. Clearly,teamwork is an issue more than the deafness. The child is obnoxious because that is part of deafness. They have to be taught why not to be a ball hog and how to be a team player. All language words, social skills have to be taught to the deaf. Some of my students would tackle another hearing child on the playground. They think that is how you play because of seeing that on tv. I had to teach them that you tap another child on the shoulder and ask them if they want to play tag or whatever. Nancy, every single word has to be taught to the deaf, they do not know the names of simple things because they never heard the name. They have seen one and maybe ridden one, but they have never heard the name of it. EVERYTHING has to be taught!!!! Reading and language skills are low. Written language is poor. They do not know sentence structure either.. It has to be taught!!!! Hearing children hear by osmosis. Hearing children hear words and social graces all the time. They hear sentence structure and therefore can write a complete sentence. They come with pre-language background so that when they read a story, they have better comprehension because they already have language. Nancy, I want to challenge you to do research on deaf language skills and social graces. You will have a better understanding of why this child is they way she is. She does not have many friends due to the language issues, too. Her friends are talking about the skateboard. She does not even know what a skateboard is. Deaf children are often lonely due to language issues. He is very good looking and is someone that most kids would attract to. After several years of teaching language and social graces… he now has more friends than he knows what to do with. He still has challenges though and always will. So yes, deafness is the root of the problem. Fortunately for me, he is exceptionally brilliant, reads 4 languages, signs in 2 or 3 and is an incredibly patient teacher. We have been seeing each other for a year. I felt that it was my responsibility to catch up to him. I feel the same way about hearing people. So, I am learning sign. My partner reads lips well and understands me very well. I saw the wrong sign, misinterpreted and paid later for not confirming communication. Communication is always a sticking point and we hearing folk have so many hidden tropes, assumptions around non-verbal noises and microaggressions communicated through tone, that we forget how much of that is NEVER conveyed to the deaf. They live in a world where that will never exist. Blessing and curse, that one. So we talk about this and everything else all the time. One needs to love communication, love discussing it and want to learn more about if one wishes to be in any form of non-majority-typical relationship. Whether it be in the realm of gender identity and gender preference, polyamory or in the DHH community, get on board with talking about your talking. It will save you in the end. This page is an eye-opener. I hope more people see it. Maybe 60 years ago, but definitely not now, or even 20 years ago when I was in school. I went to Jr. High right beside the deaf school and no one ever had problems, we shared a field and all got along excellently. Education seems to be a massive factor on both sides of the equation. It is the language of choice, usually determined by the parent s and educators, that is either conductive to clear communication or the root of problem. There is either spoken English or ASL currently, and most of the time, parents opt for spoken English as they think that will make their deaf offspring more successful in life. ASL is usually the language that is most natural for these children to communicate. Some children communicate well in spoken English and prefer this to ASL. Why are hearing people forcing deaf children to meet their needs — speak, speak, lip read, lip read, hear hear — when, in a different scenario with blind children, the seeing adults are accommodating to their needs? Even the developmentally delayed get better treatment in the classroom! Then, just a few days ago, I was surprised with what his mom told me. He said all the nasty things to me, and I was really confused where did this all came from. I, too got upset with his insults and told him that if he thinks of me that low then maybe we should just cancel our wedding. Then, the next day I apologized but he was really still very angry with me. Is this how deaf people really can be? I would appreciate your insight. The hearing partner should know that it will always depend on the adaptability of the hearing because the deaf person will never adapt to the hearing, simply because it is not possible. Deaf and hearing individuals develop emotionally fundamentally different and these differences need to be realised and researched and worked on in a vigorous way in order for such a relationship te be a success. Both individuals need to work hard at it! As a hearing person married to a Deaf man, I do 90 percent of the adapting. However I will say that many of our problems are personality conflicts not specifically about him being Deaf. But I will say that for us, I have had to give up any social life with hearing couples. That is a sacrifice I never really knew of until after we got married. Also family events he sneaks off and watches TV. I used to offer to interpret but his parents are highly offended by that and he asked me not to. So forget family events. Hanging out with deaf friends are the only times we have a normal social life. I am deaf and to find that your wife is a burden to you? That says it all in your relationship. Do you even sign with her? Maybe if you learned sign language, you two would develop a better relationship. Yes, it is a challenge but to communicate with a deaf partner, sign language is always the best approach. That was cruel of him to say that. Being TOGETHER should mean EVERYTHING. There are many ways to be supportive, affectionate and communicative without sign language and voice. When he is away, they can email, etc. Rick, shame on you for being selfish and shallow. If she loves you and appreciates you, you have EVERYTHING. You have what MONEY CANNOT BUY. I had to print everything out to re-read as many times as needed. I am hearing and just started dating a guy that is deaf born deaf, can read a little lips, and speak a little. I have 3 young boys 10,8,5 from my first marriage and he has a son 9 from a previous relationship mom was deaf, son is not. When I met my bf, I was excited to learn more and have picked up on a lot of the signs he has taught me. In the past month that my boys have known my bf, they know the alphabet and can fingerspell. They also know some basic signs and love learning more. To them it is a game, and a game they are getting really good at. I admit there are times when I just shake my head or hold up my hand, but then he will try to write it out on paper. I stop him and make him go slow, because i want to learn. Also, he can feel me having problems breathing before I can notice it sometimes. Thanks listen my story about who i am deaf. He has 60% hearing loss due to his job. He is a mechanic. When he wears them everything is fine. He does not use sign language. His sense of humor is endless. He is hardly ever serious. It has been very difficult however. He gets distracted very easily. We are extremely attracted to one another and care for each other a great deal. I just recently got into an relationship with my boyfriend. We have been together for almost 7 years and have 2 beautiful hearing sons. It was tough in the beginning of our relationship just because we were young. She was 18 I was almost 20. I learned sign from her after a few months of dating since we spent every minute together and I have picked it up really well. I even fooled some of our deaf friends when I first met them with my sign but of course they saw right through me since I sign english and not pure ASL. My wife and I are very happy. Of course there are things that make our relationship hard. Things do get crazy for me when we are in the deaf community since it is different and not everyone signsnclean as my wife so communication gets hard with the people that sign too fast or not as clear but we make sure that we are both involved and comfortable before doing anything that would make they other mad or uncomfortable. There is a lot to learn than just signing. The deaf culture is very different than hearing culture and that will scare or just surprise anyone not ready for it. Because of my wife, I have some of the best friends ever that are deaf and some deaf friends that are closer than my hearing friends. I do recommend anyone willing to date a deaf or hard of hearing person but do realize the sacrifices both are giving up for each other as any relationship between two people. Even though I am giving up using my voice to talk to my wife, she has given up much of her deaf community just to be more involved for my hearing world and sometimes that makes things hard for a relationship but every relationship has sacrifices hearing or deaf. Good luck to anyone already with someone deaf or hard of hearing I hope things turn out great. I am encouraged that with communication and with work, these relationship can be successful. Last summer, I re-connected with a boyfriend from college. While in college, he had some hearing but is now completely deaf. He has always been able to read lips great which was how we communicated long ago. Since then, he has been married and divorced was married to a hard of hearing person while I am now widowed. First and foremost, we are friends and that has always been the case-then and now. We share the same interests, have the same goals and we have learned hard life lessons. We are both fortunate to love and are successful in our current work he is contractor now. Both of us had abusive marriages and are now very independent. Besides a solid friendship, we are both strong Christians and we believe with this foundation, anything is possible. We both agree that communication is important and even though, we are doing pretty good-it is frustrating at times, especially for me. I am slow but he tells me I am doing well and not be so hard on myself. I love signing and feel rewarded when our conversation flows. When a hearing person looks at me to get clarification, I now tell them to talk to him. I am so proud of how he does and I am proud to be with him. Another thing in our favor is our age-he is 53 and I am 52. We look at this as a second chance for us-but, we are thankful to still be friends, no matter what. I love signing and will continue to practice, study and learn. I am a strong person and I feel that I can handle the difficulties of this kind of relationship. We have alot going for us and with patience, the possibilities are endless. But, after 33 years of friendship, I am just thankful to have my friend back in my life. Thanks for reading my story. He has 5% hearing in one ear and 25% in his other ear, but when he wears hearing aids he is about 75% hearing which is great. I will admit that communication is sometimes a struggle. I repeat myself quite a bit and usually have to talk to him face to face for him to really understand what I am saying. He has a hard time in cars and can hardly hear a thing which makes drives a little boring, but I am happy. In all relationships people need to adapt. This relationship just requires a little more adaptation. Even though I know there will be some rough times we are planning on getting married. He makes me happy and treats me like a princess. He is a very humble person because of his deafness and likes to build any relationship he has. Because of that he treats our relationship like it is the best thing on the planet and will do anything to make sure it works out. That is a enormous perk of having a relationship with somebody who is deaf. All I can say is give things a chance. There will be hard times, but if you learn to work through them, it will all be worth it in the end. He lost his hearing when he was almost 3 so he speaks pretty clearly. I actually didnt find out he was deaf till our 2nd or 3rd date. He does sign to other deaf people but mostly relies on reading lips to communicate. He has never really been socially accepted into the deaf culture because he speaks really well and really doesnt embrace his deafness. We met, dated a while, got pregnant, continued to date, fell in love and got married. He had a few deaf acquaintances while in college but since married life he doesnt keep in touch. His choice not mine! I know a bit of sign but because he does not sign to me when speaking it is hard for me to retain it and remember it. Our children are learning sign but the same with them, they are not retaining it or remembering it because it is not used by him. I have asked and asked him to sign when speaking to us but he sees it as an inconvenience because we do not NEED to have him sign. He doesnt give the appropriate responses a lot. We have quirks in our marriage that do not revolve around him being deaf or me being hearing but one of our major issues and fight causing issues is the LACK of communication between us. I talk and he tries to listen and look at me but he get distracted so easily so then I pause and wait till he looks at me to start speaking again. I have to repeat 90% of what i say multiple times a day to him. When people pass by and say hello, I am the one who responds for him ALWAYS becase he doesnt hear it and I dont want him to look mean. At the moment i am trying to find somethign to read on how to have a successful marriage with e hearing wife and s deaf husband. My wonderful boyfriend is fully deaf he is my first offical fully deaf partner before i had the oppertunity to date hard of hearing boys so this is something new for me but i love it! I am very social in the deaf community i love it to be fully honest. I dont see anything about deaf-hearing relationships that is negative. My partner of 12 years is hearing impaired, with minimal hearing with his hearing aid in one year and significantly more hearing in another through his cochlear implant. He got his cochlear implant at 27. There have been the obvious challenges associated with adapting my own communication style to his hearing impairment, which we have managed. I find that my partner omits the little things, that sometimes mean a lot, such as please and thank you and sorry and just those short, but really appreciated! I would really appreciate any advice.